Pre-Order Borealis Estoril 300m Automatic

Will Tan

Master Apprentice WIS
I am fine with either 12 without date or triangle without date. I do think that able to keep cost low will be a big factor if I end up getting one.
If having 2 different dial to please everybody is going to push the price up beyond a price point, it may end up having less people ordering instead.

Tough balance.

Will Tan

Master Apprentice WIS
Well, I signed up here just for this watch. Will be my first Borealis.

My preference is the 12 with date, or the Triangle no date. To me, having the Triangle with date is very unbalanced, as the 6 and 9 are just out of place on an otherwise numberless dial. Also don't care for the DLC.

I'm all for fewer choices and lower cost. Too many cooks spoil the pot.

I'll be ordering one, regardless of what is decided.
My sediment exactly regarding having too many options.


Perfect Apprentice WIS
Great. I too am for smaller marker at 12. Awesome job!

Let the preordering begin once Borealis can make its final decisions on final looks, pricing, and production schedule.

Can't wait to get this watch wrapped around my wrist.


Master Apprentice WIS
Date for me for sure, just a convenience for me for work or knowing which day it is on a holiday haha. I do like the 12, however, big triangle does mean more lume which I'm a junkie for.

And towards vintage lume, I just have to say no. I had an Armida A8 with vintage lume, it does look cool cuz it was brass but it just wasn't that bright even when they used C3 I think? And seeing that Steinhart/ Aramar not getting lume to match or being not that bright, I rather have C3 if you want a yellowish aged colour or stick with BGW9.

So far I like this more than the Sea Dog, just seems more wearable/ not sure why there isn't a classier name. What are you wearing today?? My Sea Dog...............


Master Apprentice WIS
I'm a fan of the date/big triangle version, the big triangle adds something different and orientating in the dark will be quicker and easier if the numbers aren't lumed (assuming you use your bezel now and again but forget to realign it like me).


Perfect Apprentice WIS
Here's another idea for the date version, i dont know if its doable with the Miyota 9015 mvmt, i just wanna put this out too:

Edit; without the date outline as someone suggested:

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Master Apprentice WIS
As seen render, with the options of large triangle and 12...
I like the large triangle option!!
The truth is that the more I see the proposed combination by Borealis, I like more.

Borealis Watch Admin

Staff member
It is doable though price increases a little bit as factory has to reprint date wheels or order in advance from Miyota.

But the question is won't we be departing from the theme?


Master Apprentice WIS
It's definitely your choice Maria how far you want to respect the original. For me the unique touches and the theme together create the appeal. I think I'd recognise the sm300 instantly in any of the suggested variants.


Perfect Apprentice WIS
Yup, admin is right and at the end of the day its up to Borealis making the choices and to me the initial renderings were good enough, i was just suggesting some of my thoughts with the renderings [and please some members here that were proposing this and that].


Perfect Apprentice WIS
Ultimately, the brand owner has the final say on the outcome. IMO, a tribute to SM300 need not be 100% copy of it. A good tribute captures the good essence of SM300 and apply it's own tweaks (flair).


Master Apprentice WIS
Voted. Thanks for making the poll available!

Question: what will the profile look like? I would hope that the renders of both the case and bezel also pay excellent homage to the original:
