What is your favorite color on a Diver Watch

Borealis Watch Admin

Staff member
Looks nice the bead blasted finish. Only problem is that it is a scratch magnet. Once scratched hard to remove the scratch from it.


Master Apprentice WIS
I like variety in my dive watches. Black is great, but yellow, orange and blue are also in my collection.

Yup. That's the one. Stunning blue!
...yeah, they actually made ceramic dials for these babies. I wore a friends Artego 300 m (black dial, sandblasted case) for a while and it was truly stunning dial, even i neutral black color. Too bad they are so hard to buy today...


Master Apprentice WIS
Yellow dials are my favorite, followed closely by blue, orange and green, but black is the most versatile and classic and what I have the most of.


Patriarch WIS
@Jerry : Merci pour ces scans incroyables, thanks for these sharings. Absolutely rare !
What about the ruby color and grey bezel ?

vendredi 23mai14 (bis).jpg
Dimanche 8 juin (bis).jpg
Edma 1970's, french design during golden ages, cushion case, hand winding, not automatic, on a modern leather nato style strype.


Master Apprentice WIS
cool article Jerry!
I like blue dials and then black. My favorite I have is my blue wavy dial on my Omega Seamaster. Shame they change that design.


Perfect Apprentice WIS
Monogamy is for women and football. ;-)
Love all colors, really.
However, that Doxa... That's just perfect.
I don't have a favorite color for my Dive watches. It just usually depends on the model, the design and which color that is being offered that I like best.

Pretty much the only color that is missing in my collection ATM is orange. Which will be rectified once the Sea Dragon is released ;)


Perfect Apprentice WIS
I can get behind any dial colour if it's on the right watch. The three I love lately are as follows:
White (Halios Tropik) facebook-20141109-195414.png
Yellow (Prometheus Sailfish) Prometheus-Sailfish-05.jpg
Grey (Borealis Sea Dragon) Borealis_Sea_Dragon_Grey.png